On an article from The Graph, talking about Radicle, Abbey, said this, that in our opinion is the perfect reason we should deepen our collaboration:

“Cross-pollination and collaboration between protocol ecosystems is the best way to support this next wave of decentralized developer tools. The Graph will truly be the fuel that powers the decentralized applications of Web3 and we’re thrilled that Radicle can support their mission with resilient and robust collaboration infrastructure. Decentralized indexing is an integral part of the Web3 vision. The Graph is pioneering the next wave of decentralized developer tools that will take dApps to the next level. We’re thrilled that Radicle can support their mission with resilient collaboration infrastructure.”

With our Partnerships program, we are cementing the building blocks of collaboration with Mission Aligned Organizations. The goal is to build deep and long-lasting relationships that will benefit both DAOs and the ecosystem.

Further to recent discussions between Eva (TheGraph), Nick (TheGraph), Nas (Radicle) and Lucas (Radicle) relating to a collaboration between the parties to partner. This document outlines the components of the proposed collaboration.


The Graph

The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, starting with Ethereum. It makes it possible to query data that is difficult to query directly.

Projects with complex smart contracts like Uniswap and NFTs initiatives like Bored Ape Yacht Club store data on the Ethereum blockchain, making it really difficult to read anything other than basic data directly from the blockchain.

In the case of Bored Ape Yacht Club, we can perform basic read operations on the contract like getting the owner of a certain Ape, getting the content URI of an Ape based on their ID, or the total supply, as these read operations are programmed directly into the smart contract, but more advanced real-world queries and operations like aggregation, search, relationships, and non-trivial filtering are not possible. For example, if we wanted to query for apes that are owned by a certain address, and filter by one of its characteristics, we would not be able to get that information by interacting directly with the contract itself.

To get this data, you would have to process every single [transfer](<https://etherscan.io/address/0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d#code#L1746>) event ever emitted, read the metadata from IPFS using the Token ID and IPFS hash, and then aggregate it. Even for these types of relatively simple questions, it would take hours or even days for a decentralized application (dapp) running in a browser to get an answer.

(Maybe TheGraph to add a few bullet points here with their differentiators, or different products)


Radicle creates free and open-source software to empower FOSS developers and projects to grow together. With our code collaboration product and Drips protocol, we are creating a future where software is owned by its maintainers and community, not corporations.

Our sovereign code infrastructure for code collaboration enables developers to securely collaborate on software over a peer-to-peer network 🌐 built on Git. Making your code and project censorship-resistant and more resilient.

Drips is an Ethereum protocol to continuously stream funds to others, with continuous settlement. Drips also includes an integrated, fully-featured splitting protocol so Public Goods in Web3 can raise and distribute funds in the most efficient way.