Budget (1 Fellowship in 2023)

Item Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
Marketing - website and other assets $6,000
Software subscriptions (Typeform, networking tool, zoom)
Typeform: $480/year
Ohyay: free
Zoom: $140/year $310
Project delivery team
25 days delivery + 5 days prep + 3 days wrap up (33 days total) 33 days $500 $16,500
Radicle Intro workshop
+12 topic workshops 13 $500 $6,500
3 per track = 6 mentors total
1 hour per week x 5 weeks x 6 mentors = 30 hours
(This means that if we have 30 individuals who have individual mentor meetings, they get 1 hour of mentorship across 5 weeks - 2 x 30 mins? If it’s 20 individuals, they can have 3 x 30 mins?) 30 hours $200 $6,000
Contingency (10%) $3,531