
A plan for getting developers and entrepreneurs that may benefit from a well-designed streaming protocol to become aware of its existence and be carried through the process of learning and onboarding to successfully integrate it into their products.

We also want to grow the awareness of our protocol amongst DAOs who are going to be the end-users of our protocol via interfaces built by partner teams.


We’re at a stage where we need to get a handful of integrations across the line. So we will focus resources and efforts on making onboarding and activation easier and more compelling.

We will also focus more resources at the top of the funnel to grow awareness, guided by the frameworks Thom has been putting in place. Web3 builders love well-designed protocols that create interoperability and allow them to build products that are better for end-users and present a better path than the centralized alternatives. They like tools that reduce the need for high trust, top-down control, and coordination. They love being ahead of the curve on where the industry will go as it solves its long list of problems to realize its self-sovereign, individual and economic freedom for all objectives.


Have 10 platforms with active users that have integrated our protocol.


high level segments

  1. Junior developers
  2. Experienced developers
  3. Platform building founders/tech leaders
  4. DAOs (CreatorDAOs, Product/Protocol DAOs, Community DAOs, etc.)

building awareness

  1. first call from drips launcher
  2. Educate DAOs on the processes, models, and tooling for tackling the problems they’re facing. Key parts of DAO development and key functions.
    1. Payments/treasury management
    2. Setup - Legal, Accounting and tax
    3. Fundraising - Building grant/investment partnerships, token sale, NFT drop
    4. Contributors - onboarding, co-ordination/workflow, paying
  3. hackathons
  4. conference speaking slots
  5. twitter threads/spaces