

  1. known challenges/motivations
    1. structuring their orgs
    2. agreeing compensation models with their contributors
    3. agreeing and refining processes for treasuries to reward contribution
    4. automation - who wants to automate what?
      1. Treasury + WG leaders are trying to automate payments and avoid the recurring admin around payments + signing.
    5. Trust - who has trust issues?
      1. Treasuries want to reduce the risk of having sent 6 months worth of funds to a WG to coordinate - many approaches to this being explored via delegation.
      2. Relationships with casual contributors may be low trust on both sides, so streams may help, but the main measure of whether client wants to pay is after milestone has been delivered. in time based arrangements it’s still only clear after a batch of work is delivered after a period of work. So paying for the 2 week trial period in advance would be the same as streaming for 2 weeks?
  2. proposition
    1. Automate DAO salaries and token vesting. As the number of DAO contributors keeps growing we continuously see additional challenges arising for DAOs to actually get new contributors to: join their ecosystem, reward them for their work and retain the contributors by aligning them to the DAO's long-term vision. While legacy companies manage salary payments and equity rewards based on legal contracts, decentralized (anonymous) DAOs use smart contracts instead. Basing a payments streaming platform on smart contracts allows us to automate DAO contributor payments, while benefiting from the transparency and composability of the crypto ecosystem. automate transactions and stream them by the second. The recipients can withdraw these funds at any time. This eliminates the need for manual transactions. Used by employers to pay employees
  3. How
    1. interface - Use drips streaming protocol interface directly to pay funds out to contributors.
    2. Gnosis safe app - use within gnosis safe suite of products
    3. Utopia, Parcel, Coinshift, etc - Use our DAO payment partners to stream payments to contributors
    4. Integrated DAO tooling ecosystem - use our DAO ecosystem product suite
  4. What’s missing
    1. framework/understanding for when exactly streaming is superior for either or both sides of transaction. currently the sub dao contributors are not asking for it over a monthly batch payment proactive or retroactively. this isn’t as automated as a salary though.
    2. Focused contributor payments interface
    3. Platforms that have integrated drips
  5. Example conversations
    1. makerdao
    2. developerdao
    3. fwb
    4. radicle
    5. bankless DAO
    6. Optimism
    7. Yearn - How using own protocol?
    8. sushi - How using own protocol?

multisig payment tools

  1. known challenges/motivations
    1. People are actually just trying to automate payments and avoid the recurring admin around payments + signing. So just trying to decide on options available for doing this
      1. If they could delegate payout requests and signing for a pool of funds without needing multisig signatures they would do that.
  2. Proposition
  3. How
    1. How will token vesting flows work?
    2. Integration flow - understand what it enables for their users, understand how it works/compares, understand how to integrate, integrate
  4. What’s missing/blockers
    1. Prioritising streaming hasn’t been done to date, but getting clearer
  5. Example conversations
    1. Parcel
    2. Coinshift
    3. Utopia
    4. ???
    5. ???

Contributor onboarding/work agreement tools

  1. Known challenges/motivations
    1. Attracting DAOs to use their tool
    2. Helping DAOs attract contributors that can be productive
    3. Simplifying payments from DAOs to contributors
  2. Proposition
    1. Token streamed based agreements are effective for
  3. How
    1. How will token streaming flows work - opportunity created with token streaming in it or agreement on proposal then allows client/dao to create token streaming agreement?
    2. Integration flow - understand what it enables for their users, understand how it works/compares, understand how to integrate, integrate
  4. What’s missing/blockers
    1. Questions around how well it works for bounties and grants where grantee probably wants to be paid in advance and grantor wants to check milestones.
    2. Prioritising streaming hasn’t been the case yet
    3. Add extra steps to paying people and delays funds being handed over, which is only needed in low trust situations. What are these? Consulting has a lot of issues around this.
  5. Example conversations
    1. Layer3
    2. Station
    3. Wonderverse
    4. Dework
    5. Gitcoin