Hey XXX!

We're reaching out to you because we're hiring people for our team working on radicle-link[0][1]. It is essentially a local-first alternative to GitHub.

We're reaching out to you in particular because of your ______ work :) ~~We were researching macaroon auth and came across the biscuit-auth project. Then, of course, we saw you maintain nom!~~

We're looking for people who want to help define and build out the radicle-link protocol, including continuous integration and deployment to a decentralised network, as well as lots of other interesting problems.

If any of this is interesting to you, Alex and I would love to have a chat.

Thanks for your time!

All the best,

[0]: <https://github.com/radicle-dev/radicle-link/>
[1]: <https://radicle.community/t/the-link-team-is-hiring/2908>